Roanoke Island consists of two quaint towns, Manteo and Wanchese. These two quiet towns are tucked away from the busy streets, but are just minutes away from all the other Outer Banks attractions.
Manteo is another town in the Outer Banks that has a rich history. Manteo is recognized for its beautiful historic waterfront area where you can see the 16th Century Elizabeth II, The Lost Colony, the Roanoke Island Festival Park, and The North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island. There are plenty of great shops and outdoor dining restaurants all within walking distance along the waterfront. Manteo is a great place to get out and explore the beautiful surroundings!
Wanchese, just opposite of Manteo, is famous for its commercial fishing fleets and fresh seafood catches! Maintaining the old tradition, Wanchese remains a fishing village that provides delicious, fresh seafood year round to the local Outer Banks restaurants.