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Hatteras Vacation Rental Policies

HomeHatteras Vacation Rental Policies

Once you’ve chosen your Hatteras vacation rental, there are a few more things you should know about rental rates, making a reservation, confirming your reservation, cancellations, emergencies, maintenance, and Midgett Realty’s other policies. All reservations will be assigned a reservation number. Referencing this number on all correspondence and payments will help insure that your questions are answered fully and that all monies are correctly posted to your account.

The North Carolina Vacation Rental Act (NCVRA) was passed by the N.C. General Assembly in Spring 1999. Please make sure you read the following information carefully and that you understand our policies before booking your reservation. Most, but not all, of this information will be contained in your lease. You will be responsible for complying with all of our policies upon confirmation of your reservation (when you receive the lease via mail or the internet, make a payment or take possession of a rental unit).

Click on links below.


House rentals are available Friday-Friday, Saturday-Saturday or Sunday-Sunday, whichever the owner chooses. Some properties are also available for rent during the winter, including holidays (although limited service is available in December).  Seasonal rates are based on 7 nights stay. Some properties are also available for Flexible Stays or Seasonal Flexible Stays which allows stays of a minimum of 3 or more nights. Rates for each property are determined by the owner and listed in the property description. Every effort has been made to assure our descriptions are accurate; however, we cannot be held responsible for changes made by owners in furnishings and equipment, or the present condition of the home.

Lease Information

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Click below to view sample lease.

2025 Rental Lease


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You may book your Hatteras rentals reservation with any of our three offices in one of several ways:

    1-800-527-2903 has a reservation staff available seven days a week (excluding select holidays) between 8:30 and 5:30 Eastern Standard Time.
    Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • EMAIL Again, every effort will be made to process your request quickly, but immediate responses are not guaranteed.

While in town, please stop by in person or call our local number: 252.986.2841.

Accidents/Damage to Rental Property

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The leaseholder agrees to notify the Rental Agent as to any damages or accidents that occur to the premises, to both real property and personal property during your rental period. If the agent determines that no intentional or wanton or willful misconduct was done, the agent will repair/replace as needed up to $1500. Any damage or accident that exceeds $1500 will be the responsibility of the leaseholder.


Advance Year Reservations

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Advance year reservations are booked as regular guest reservations and will be charged a 10% NON-REFUNDABLE advance fee of the reservation total (rent, extras and taxes) to be paid at time of booking. Advanced reservations are not eligible for travel insurance. Travel insurance will be sold when the lease is sent in early October. Advance reservation fees are NON-REFUNDABLE and will be applied to the total cost of the reservation. Cancellations or switching of homes will invoke the cancellation policy. Cancellations must be in writing and it is the tenant’s responsibility to confirm the cancellation has been completed. Once canceled, if re-rented, the tenant shall receive a refund less any difference in rate paid by the new reservation, less a $36 per night cancellation fee, and all applicable taxes within 45 days AFTER the property has re-rented and been secured by payment (regardless of initial method of payment). However, if the unit is not re-rented, there will not be a refund of the advance fee.

Current year guests have priority to rent the same house for the same week the following year. These priority reservations must be made by the close of business on Wednesday of the first week of your stay. Otherwise, properties are released for reservation on a first-request basis. Online reservations will also be taken, up to 51 weeks in advance.

Behavior Policy

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Midgett Realty reserves the right to terminate the lease of a Hatteras Rental as the result of tenant abuse of staff or others.


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Once your reservation is confirmed, any cancellations or switching of homes will invoke the cancellation policy. Cancellations must be in writing and it is the tenant’s responsibility to confirm the cancellation has been completed. Once canceled, if re-rented, Tenant shall receive a refund less any difference in rate paid by the new reservation, $250 cancellation fee, the travel insurance premium and all applicable taxes and credit card fees. However, if the unit is not re-rented, you will be responsible for the entire rental amount plus tax. Additionally, if the property has not been re-rented and the leaseholder wishes to reinstate the reservation at any time after we receive the cancellation in writing, we will reinstate the reservation for a fee of $100 plus all applicable taxes.

Cell Phone Service on Hatteras Island

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Cell phones:  Service has proven to be somewhat spotty in the past several years. Hatteras Island does have a few dead zones where no cell phone service is available. Please keep this in mind if you are dependent on staying in phone contact with your family or business back home while you are vacationing. Foreign (outside of the US) cell phone service typically does not work in the Outer Banks.

Check-in / Check-out

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Check-in time is not promised until 6:00 pm. When your accommodations are ready we will notify you via text message.

If you plan to arrive before this time, we ask that you be understanding. We will not be able to check you in (or store your chilled groceries or other belongings) until the home has been thoroughly cleaned and inspected. We thank you in advance for your patience as our staff works incredibly hard to prepare your home for vacation stay. Please make sure traveling companions are aware of our check-in time and that we have their names if they will check-in earlier than the leaseholder.

Check-out is before 10:00 a.m. Please complete all of the Departure Responsibilities on the list located at your home (or on the check-in packet if your home does not participate in the Keyless Entry Program) before departing home and/or returning your keys to our office. A reasonable clean-up fee, not exceeding $800.00, may be incurred if Departure Responsibilities are not adequately performed. If you plan to get an early start you may leave your keys in the appropriate box located at each office*. No occupancy of the property, including driveways or outside showers is permitted after check-out. Refunds will not be given for early departures. Tenant may be charged up to one additional day rental if Property is not vacated by 10:00 a.m.

*Most of our homes now utilize a keyless entry system allowing our guests to bypass the check-in office with a unique entry code to their home. If your home participates in the keyless entry program, you will receive an email with your unique code and entry instructions prior to your arrival. Learn more.


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Please help us protect our delicate environment by being conscious of your water and energy consumption while enjoying the Outer Banks. You can assist us by:

  • Closing all windows and doors in the cottage if the heat or air conditioning is on
  • Turning off lights and appliances when they aren’t in use (including outdoor lighting)
  • Washing only full loads in the dishwasher/washing machine
  • Not allowing water to run freely while brushing your teeth, shaving or washing up
  • Reporting any water leaks, dripping faucets or running toilets to your check-in office


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Our staff may not be aware of construction projects going on near your Hatteras Island rental. Should you find yourself near construction, please realize that no refunds or moves will be made. Dare County does have a noise ordinance between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.


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Midgett Realty offers our rental properties without respect to the race, color, religion, sex, national origin, and handicap or familial status of any guest.

Midgett Realty is authorized, through our contract with the property owner, to rent only to family groups with the leaseholder being a minimum of 25 years old. A family group is defined as immediate and extended family (parents, children and grandparents). No fraternities, sororities, church, school, civic or other non-family groups are permitted.

In the event that we determine that you are not a family group, you will be in material breach of your lease. You will be denied access to the property and/or subject to expedited eviction. All rents and fees paid to Midgett Realty will be forfeit.

Evacuations and Travel Insurance

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If Dare County authorities order a mandatory evacuation of Hatteras Island, you will be required to comply within three hours of the order. In the event of an evacuation, you will be notified of our evacuation procedures via email or text and must return your keys to the appropriate office if applicable. If you return to the property after checking out or remain on the premises more than three hours after the order has been issued, you will be trespassing and law enforcement will be contacted.

For more information, click here.

Midgett Realty offers Travel Insurance to our guests. Exclusions and limitations may apply if not purchased at the time of booking. As per the North Carolina Vacation Rental Act (NCVRA), if the insurance is waived, neither the property owner nor Midgett Realty is liable for refunds. 

Midgett Realty, through InsureStays via RentalGuardian.com, is pleased to offer our guests Vacation Travel Insurance. These insurance plans are a great way to protect your family’s vacation investment in the event a covered unforeseen or emergency situation occurs. It may also offer coverage if you are required to leave due to mandatory hurricane evacuation. Cost for the Standard Travel Protection is 7% x trip cost. This policy is offered to all guests when they pay their rental deposit, but coverage is only in effect when we have received your premium. Standard Travel Protection is available for purchase up to 45 days prior to your arrival date for your trip, but no coverage is available for specific storms if they have already been named. Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) is available at a rate of 10.8% x trip cost. This policy will cover your trip costs for any of the 30+ covered reasons and will cover 60% of your trip costs for any reason not listed. If booking 30+ days from check in, CFAR is available for purchase within 14 days of booking your vacation. CFAR is not available if booking 30 days or less from check in.

Contact our offices for a complete Description of Coverage document. All declining of insurance policies must be done in writing. Standard Travel Protection insurance will be added to all reservations unless declined from guest in writing. If declined in writing, the amount will be deducted from your total amount due. Coverage goes into effect once the premium is paid. If travel insurance is not declined within 7 days of the first received premium payment, then it is considered accepted and is non-refundable.

For more Policy Information through InsureStays via RentalGuardian.com, please select the appropriate plan below and visit the plan details page for contact information:

Play Travel Protection

Claims, Policy and Coverage questions:

  • Within U.S./Canada: (833) 610-0736, More Information
  • Outside U.S./Canada: (843) 494-5909

Play Travel Protection

Claims, Policy and Coverage questions:

  • Within U.S./Canada: (833) 610-0736, More Information
  • Outside U.S./Canada: (843) 494-5909


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Click here to view our full emergency contact list.

Equipment and Appliances

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Furnishings and equipment in all Midgett Realty vacation rentals are provided by the owner. Every reasonable effort is made to keep each property and its equipment in good working order. Please notify Midgett Realty promptly of any difficulty you encounter during your stay. Agent, upon notification, will make every reasonable effort to complete repairs. Under no circumstance will the Tenant be relocated or receive a reduction in rent for any equipment failure.

Errors and Omissions

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We have made every effort to provide accurate information. However, we are not responsible for errors, omissions, equipment failure, or changes in rates or amenities.

Our area is prone to nor’easters and other storms, which may change the beach (and sound) topography. Boardwalks & docks, if damaged, may not be permitted by Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) regulations, to be repaired or rebuilt. Occasionally, the sand dune may be closer to the oceanfront homes in order to protect them. This may cover previously built boardwalks and walkways, and require you to cross a larger dune. If you or anyone in your family has specific needs with regard to beach access, please notify the reservation agent when booking your vacation. Due to conditions beyond the control of Midgett Realty, photos may not accurately represent the design of boardwalks, steps, decks, docks, gazebos and ramps adjacent to the ocean or sound.


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A number of our Outer Banks beach rentals offer the use of fireplaces. Midgett Realty does not provide wood for wood burning fireplaces. Fireplaces are only available for use November 1 to May 1.

Flexible Stays

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Flexible Stays: Allows stays of a minimum of 3 or more nights year-around, available to be booked up to 51 weeks in advance. Seasonal Flexible Stays: Allows a minimum of 3 nights stays, taken up to 300 days in advance for arrivals from January 1 to mid-May and from mid- September to December 31.


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Grilling is permitted in our Hatteras Island rentals only on concrete, gravel or similar surfaces. Please do not move a grill to decks, porches or near vegetation. Please be courteous and leave the grill clean for the next guest.


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Outer Banks beach rentals designated as “Linens – Gold – All Seasons” provide sheets during all seasons, including the off-season, for all beds and towels (set includes 1 bath towel, 1 washcloth & 1 hand towel) for the maximum occupancy of the home. Beds are made on check-in day. Sheets will be provided for top bunks, sofa beds, trundles and futons, but these beds will not be made.

Outer Banks beach rentals designated as “Linens – Gold – Seasonal” provide sheets year round. For all full- and partial-week stays checking in after May 23 and before September 5, 2025, sheets and towels will be provided and beds will be made on check-in day with the exception of top bunks, sofa beds, trundles, and futons (these sheets will be left in the cottage for you). Towel sets include 1 bath towel, 1 hand towel, and 1 washcloth and will be provided for the maximum occupancy of the cottage.

Outer Banks beach rentals designated as “Linens – Sheets Provided: Beds not made” provide sheets that will be left on the bed. No towels are provided. Upgrades to the linen package can be made after booking via phone or through our app.

Linen Pricing

  • Bathmat: $2.50
  • Kitchen Towel (Set of 2): $3
  • Towel Set (Bath Towel, Hand Towel and Washcloth): $10
  • Beach Towel Sets: $28
  • Delivery: $6

*Taxes and fees not included


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In the event you have to change your week after your reservation has been confirmed, a transfer fee in the amount of $100 (plus tax) will be charged. Transfers can only be made within the same home of your initial reservation, subject to owner approval. All transfer requests must be submitted in writing. For information on transferring your reservation please contact Midgett Realty.

Keyless Entry

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More than 98% of our homes now have keyless entry locks installed on one of the main entrances. This type of access will eliminate the hassle of keeping track of and sharing a few entrance keys among your group. In advance of their stay, every lessee will be assigned and sent one 4-digit ACCESS CODE to be used during their stay.

On arrival day, you will be sent a notification via text message or email as soon as your home is ready to occupy. Unless your home provides unique amenities such as pool passes, pier passes, cargo lifts, etc., you will not have to check in and out at our office.

Once you receive the text or email that the home is ready, simply go to your rental home and enter your 4-digit access code followed by the “check mark” key. The door will unlock. From the inside, simply turn the knob to lock the deadbolt. Whenever you leave and wish to lock the deadbolt, close the door and enter your 4-digit access code followed by the “check mark” key. You will hear the door lock and a brief signal will sound indicating the completion of the process. If you decided to leave the door unlocked for the day, press nothing on the keypad.

At the end of your stay, follow the check-out instructions as indicated on the inside of the door. That’s it!

Lost & Found

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At Midgett Realty, we make every effort to locate and return lost items but will not be responsible for personal items left behind in our Hatteras vacation rentals. If you notice something missing, please call your check-in office right away. If found, we will send the item; you will pay a fee of $25 plus shipping, handling and tax. Any items not claimed within 30 days after checkout will be donated to a local charity. We are not responsible for items broken or lost during shipping.

Extending Your Vacation

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Add-on nights may be booked 6 days prior to add-on date. Additional nights can be booked only in those properties that participate in the additional night program (Flexible and Seasonal Flexible properties). Payment is due at time of booking.


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State and County health regulations require homes on septic systems be limited to two occupants per bedroom. Midgett Realty lists number and sizes of beds in rentals only to accommodate flexibility in sleeping arrangements and not to represent allowable occupancy.

Ordinances & Regulations

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Click here to view a full list of our ordinances and regulations.


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Parking at our Hatteras rentals should be limited to one car per bedroom, with a maximum of five cars. Many Hatteras rentals have fewer parking spaces available than bedrooms, due to the size of the lot. RVs are not permitted on the grounds of any unit at any time. Boats, boat trailers, equipment trailers, are counted as a vehicle, and must be parked in allocated spaces. Unless there is a designated electric vehicle (EV) charger, no EV charging is permitted. No parking in undesignated areas, including lawns.

Payment Information

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After making a reservation for a Midgett Realty vacation rental, the lease agreement must be signed and returned with the first payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled. The remaining balance must be paid in full 45 days prior to arrival.  All payments must be made by personal or bank check, cash, ACH or approved credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover). Please note that payments by credit card will incur a service charge. No personal or company check shall be accepted within 45 days of check-in date. Failure to pay balance due within 45 days of check-in date will result in cancellation.

If the arrival date is within 45 days, payment must be made in full when making the reservation.


Pet Policies

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Because we know pets are very important to so many of us, Midgett Realty offers a variety of Hatteras vacation rentals that allow well-behaved pets. We do ask, however, that you do not exceed the number of permitted pets as laid out in the “Amenities” section of the property listing of your vacation home. Also keep in mind that pets are not allowed on the grounds of any home that is not deemed “pet friendly”. Bringing a pet onto the grounds of a home that is not “pet friendly” could result in possible eviction. The property description will include any additional pet restrictions—for example, some owners only permit dogs at their property, not other types of pets.

To ensure that every member of your family has safe and enjoyable vacation on Hatteras Island, please be mindful of the following:

  • On Hatteras Island, dogs are allowed on the beaches year-round, if they are restrained with a leash that is 6 feet or less.
  • To ensure the continued enjoyment of our beaches, neighborhoods and homes, pet waste must be picked up and disposed of properly.
  • At no time should a pet be left alone in the vacation rental home. If it is an emergency and you must leave your pet, he/she must be placed in a crate-like container made specifically for a pet.

Pools & Hot Tubs

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Private pools and hot tubs at our vacation rentals are serviced on turnover days and mid-week. Guests are prohibited from tampering with chemicals or equipment. If it is found that the Tenant has tampered with equipment or chemicals, the Tenant will be responsible for any expenses incurred. Certified technicians care for all hot tubs and pools.

Unheated private pools are available for arrival dates from April 11 to October 16, 2025 unless otherwise noted in the property description.

Heated private pools and pool heat (if provided) are available for arrival dates from April 4 to October 30, 2025. Pool heat can be added for an additional fee. Certain private pools offer free heat. During times of extremely low temperature or high wind, pools may not heat to what tenant believes to be an acceptable temperature. No refund will be given due to adverse weather conditions. Pool heat requested on check-in day or later will result in an additional convenience fee.

If the owner has chosen not to adhere to Midgett Realty’s standard pool dates, it will be noted in the cottage description. Midgett Realty cannot be held responsible for the opening and closing of subdivision and community pools.

Hot tubs are available year-round unless otherwise noted in the property description.

Pregnant women, people on medication, those with high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes or other conditions should consult their physician before using a hot tub. Children under the age of 12 are prohibited from entering hot tubs. Misuse or overuse of hot tubs will result in a higher possibility of infection, as sanitizers are not able to combat abnormally elevated bacteria levels. Removal of or tampering with chemical dispensers may result in health related problems such as Folliculitis.  Pets are not allowed in pools or hot tubs at any time.

Rental Homes for Sale

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Some of the Outer Banks beach rentals we manage are available for sale. If you would like to see any “for sale” properties, please contact the sales department at one of the Midgett Realty offices. If you are staying in a property that is for sale, every effort will be made to schedule any showings on a turnover day so as not to intrude on your vacation. If it is necessary to show the house during your stay, a property management representative will attempt to contact you to schedule a showing. If Midgett Realty cannot contact the tenant, the property will be shown by the sales agent.

Trash Pick-up and Recycling

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Hatteras Island offers waste disposal in two forms. Standard trash pick-up is provided bi-weekly by the Dare County Department of Sanitation and recycling may be delivered to one of the two county drop-off locations provided by the Dare County Recycling Department.

Trash Pick-Up:
The Sanitation Department provides residential and commercial solid waste collection for all areas of unincorporated Dare County, including Hatteras Island. Black cans are provided for use and are to be positioned roadside the night prior to your home’s scheduled pick-up day.

Trash Collection Schedule:

  • Rodanthe, Waves and Salvo:  Tuesday, Friday
  • Avon:  Tuesday, Friday
  • Buxton:  Monday, Thursday
  • Frisco:  Monday, Thursday
  • Hatteras:  Monday, Thursday

County Recycling: The Dare County Recycling Department is responsible for processing and marketing recyclable material collected throughout unincorporated Dare County.

The department operates a drop-off collection center and yard debris collection site in Buxton and manages disposal of automotive tires, motor oil, lead acid batteries, and used appliances. Periodically this department conducts special collections for pesticides and other household hazardous materials.

This site is both a Transfer Station and a Recycling Center

  • Location: 47027 NC Highway 12, Buxton, NC 27920
  • Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday; 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  Saturday
  • Accepts: (No charge) No. 1 and 2 plastic, green, clear and brown glass, steel and aluminum cans, mixed paper and cardboard. Also, used automotive tires OFF RIMS, used motor oil, RESIDENTIAL yard debris (branches for chipping up to 8 inches in diameter). All COMMERCIAL yard debris will be charged at a rate of $50.00 per ton for disposal. This site will also accept metal, C&D Material such as lumber, toilets, appliances, furniture, etc.

What To Bring

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For a list of items provided and a suggested list of what to bring, please visit our “What to Expect” page.

Mail, Faxes, and Other Services

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Mail and messages must be addressed to the leaseholder and reference the house name. Mail and messages will be held for you and may be picked up at the appropriate rental office during business hours. We attempt to notify guests receiving mail or phone calls.

Faxes of less than 5 pages may be sent or received with no charge at your check-in office. Call the office listed on your lease for details.

Midgett Realty does not accept flash drives or any other outside connection into our computers. Wi-Fi hot spots are available at each of our offices.

For your convenience, please visit our Services and Information page for a full list of our local vendors.